Friday, October 19, 2012

Mayor Bloomberg to fans: Don't boo the Yankees — 'they're trying'

New York Yankees fans, who are still in shock over the Bombers getting blown out by the Detroit Tigers in the ALCS, got some words of advice from Mayor Michael Bloomberg the morning after the embarrassing four-game sweep.

New York City's general micro-manager took time off from important issues like gun control and the dangers of 32 oz. sodas to defend the $200 million team's lackluster play on the mayor's weekly WOR radio program by putting things into perspective.

Cue the slowly rising dramatic music score.

"My youngest daughter once gave me a lecture about people on the field, the people on the stage, the people writing that book, the people doing radio shows — they're trying," Bloomberg said.

"And if any of us can do better, we can go in that business."

Spoken like a true zillionaire mayor.

The mayor saved his best for the Bronx boo-birds and their criticism of the underachieving players.

"People say A-Rod isn't trying," said Bloomberg.  "He's a guy with enormous pride.  He's got an ego and he's got reason to be — he's a great athlete.  He wants to hit a home run more than the team and the fans want him to hit a home run."

Sounds like Bloomberg just got Alex Rodriguez's vote if the mayor decides to force an extension of term limits again.

Too bad the third baseman might be casting his vote in Miami next election.

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