They finally realized it was some sort of replica of a Greek or Roman statue's head without the body.

It "looked like something out of a futuristic dystopian movie," Lavin said. "I thought it was Lady Liberty's head."
As in the "Planet of the Apes" Lady Liberty, poking out of the sands on some forgotten shore?
"That's exactly what I was thinking of," Lavin said.
It took 10 rowers to pull the mysterious head from the water about a mile north of the Mid-Hudson Bridge — about 60 miles from New York City or three hours by shell.
While nobody has claimed the strange sculpture or can figure out its origin, it has generated a lot of theories. The battered face looks like it was some sort of tacky casino decoration or theater prop or maybe an art project. And if there was a body once attached, it would proportionately be about 30-40 feet high. The buoyant head could have come from either direction because of the Hudson River's tide that flows both north and south.
"It's a mystery we're trying to solve," said Marist spokesperson, Greg Cannon. "We're hoping to hear from someone who might know where it came from."
Someone should check Donald Trump's living room.
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