Sunday, July 7, 2013

Skydiver's premature release of D-bag almost brings helicopter down (VIDEO)

A skydiver's premature release of his deployment bag (contains small chute) turned into a near disaster for a group of helicopter jumpers and its crew — and the tense three-minute scene was caught on video as it unfolded.

Carelessness or accidental, the jumper's D-bag got tangled on one of the landing rudders about 10,000 feet over the farmland below. The mishap caused the swirling air to open a wind-resistant main chute which could have potentially pulled the whole chopper down with it.  A cool-headed dude hangs out the door and patiently pulls in the flapping chutes and untangles the cords and hands them to fellow skydivers still inside the helicopter.

Common sense dictates that the guy just cut the cord free but he probably didn't want to risk any loose lines or pieces of the chute getting caught in the rotors — creating a bigger problem.

Good thing they were all wearing parachutes.

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